Monday, June 27, 2011

Under Pressure

So imagine the pressure a couple feels to get married after being together about 2 years, from friends, family, etc. Now imagine all that pressure, condensed into the span of about 48 hours, and you have my weekend pretty much. Not complaining! It's a good problem to have!

I hope everyone had an amazing pride!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gym, Marriage Equality

Been on a bit of a gym kick lately, maybe cause it's nice out, and maybe because I want to go back to that nude beach soon! In addition to going to yoga once or twice, I've started doing some circuit training on weekends. It's from the Men's Health "Jason Statham" workout (pictured above)... Mmmm.

I was hoping to go yesterday and today, but I keep getting roped into the Marriage Equality NY phonebanks, which are right by my work, and it does seem more important than ever to go to and help out. I've been doing that for a few weeks now. We call registered democrats in the districts of undecided NY state senators, and urge them to leave voicemails for their senator in support of gay marriage.

It's a little scary to cold call potentially unfriendly people in upstate new york, but it is nice to be a part of something like this, and I really hope it works out.